Everyone at Chidham Parochial Primary School works hard to continually improve our provision for each and every child and family. We are very open to feedback and conduct an annual review, where pupils, staff, parents and governors contribute to our planning for the coming years.
We work hard to have positive and respectful lines of communication between school and home. We actively encourage staff to talk with parents/carers at the end of the school day especially, to share positive news about their child's learning, as well as any concerns we may have. Equally, we encourage parents/carers to share any concerns they may have with the class teacher or Headteacher, before they become a ‘complaint.’ There are usually 'solutions' to 'problems' and we are often able to solve issues quickly.
All communication between staff and families, must be of a respectful nature and we ask that any 'difficult or upsetting communication' is not carried out in front of any children or other families.
Complaints are often due to misunderstandings. We have clear guidelines to explain the formal process of raising a complaint in our Complaints policy. It is important to note that parents/carers are expected to initially raise a 'concern' with either the class teacher or Headteacher, at the earliest opportunity so a satisfactory conclusion can be reached as soon as possible.
However, if this conversation does not resolve the matter there is an official complaints procedure that every parent and carer has the right to follow. A copy of this procedure is available from the school and below.