Chidham Parochial Primary School

“Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15 verse 12


Curriculum Intent

At Chidham Parochial Primary, we believe that learning a Modern Foreign Language helps to prepare our pupils for life in the modern world (and offers them the opportunity to participate in further education, work and other activities that are carried out in languages other than English).

It is important to us that our pupils are given the advantage of acquiring another language to help them succeed in the international workplace and expose them to enriching opportunities and experiences in our globalized world. It has been proven that through learning another language, pupils receive many benefits including: improved memory, enhanced decision making and a greater awareness of our own language.

As a school, we aim to inspire an enthusiasm for learning other languages and develop an interest in foreign cultures and life-style. We begin by introducing children to French at KS2 and develop their French speaking, listening, reading and writing skills throughout their primary education through exciting lessons. Our lessons aim to ensure that all children are able to develop their French speaking skills with increasing confidence and fluency, continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. Children are given a range of opportunities to deepen their understanding of spoken and written French and respond to sources in different ways.

Curriculum Implementation

At Chidham Parochial Primary School, children are given a ‘flavour’ of French through songs, stories and rhymes in Early Years and Key Stage 1. In Key Stage 2 the children are introduced to French, where they receive a weekly lesson per week as part of their curriculum. This enables the children to develop language acquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these differ from, or are similar to, English. This is continued throughout the school where children continue to develop their speaking and listening skills whilst progressing onto reading and writing.

The schemes of work are carefully designed to ensure that children progress in their language learning by revisiting vocabulary and grammar they have already learnt in an increasing range of contexts and structures to help embed the vocabulary and grammar they have learned into their long term memory. As children become more competent in using the French language, they are encouraged to manipulate language more independently and explore differences between French and English.

Modern Foreign Languages at Chidham comprises of many different kinds of teaching and learning to provide our pupils with an engaging and interactive learning experience. Different lessons may include:

· Direct teaching through whole-class or small group sessions.

· The use of interactive games, activities, songs and rhymes.

· Opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in a variety of ways e.g. reading and writing independently or with others or communication activities in pairs or small groups.

To deliver the curriculum effectively, staff utilise a range of resources such as iPads, flash cards, games and visual aids. We also encourage a lot of active learning through the use of games, songs, rhymes, storytelling and role play to help bring French to life in our classrooms! French is also about learning more about the culture, so each KS2 class have the opportunity to explore an Enterprise, Country and Artist linked to the Modern Foreign Language curriculum. This develops a deeper understanding of the French culture.

To promote a love of language, learning in our school also provides opportunities for children to explore languages, where possible, e.g. After School Spanish Club. This provides children with the opportunity to explore Spanish culture, art, music and food.

Curriculum Impact

The impact of our MFL curriculum is that children are encouraged to understand the relevance of what they are learning in languages and how it relates to everyday life, for example, how it could help them in another country or to talk to a French speaker. Our MFL curriculum ensures that children develop their knowledge of where different languages (including the range of home languages spoken by the families of the school) as well as French, are spoken in the world.

At Chidham Parochial Primary School, the impact of the children’s learning is assessed and obtained through observing pupils in lessons, written work and through participation in French related activities.

Pupil voice is very important and helps the school to gauge the impact of our provision:

“I like telling the time in French, as I am better at maths.” Y5 child

“Yes I enjoyed learning French because I want to go to Disneyland Paris.” Y5 child

“Yes I like French because it makes me feel confident about myself.” Y4 child

“Yes I do, just in case I go to France and I can talk their language.” Y4 child

“I enjoyed making French places word search because I worked with a friend and we had lots of fun.” Y3 child

“I enjoyed learning French numbers, greetings and places.” Y3 child


MFL Curriculum at Chidham