Chidham Parochial Primary School

“Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15 verse 12




At Chidham Primary Parochial School, we believe that reading is an essential life skill and are committed to inspiring children to read an enriched range of books, enabling them to become lifelong readers.

Our intent is to ensure that reading is an integral and enjoyable part of school life for all learners. We seek to ensure that there are multiple opportunities to read throughout the school day as well as giving children many opportunities to listen to stories. We want to celebrate diversity with the range of books available.

Our curriculum has been designed to enable pupils, not only read for pleasure but, use books, and other resources to research and gather new knowledge to extend their understanding.



At Chidham Parochial Primary School, we use a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme called Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Children are taught from the very beginning of Reception – Year 2 and this continues into Key Stage 2, where necessary. Phonics sessions take place daily where children learn letter sounds and blend them together to read and write words. This is supported with three reading sessions per week, covering decoding, prosody and comprehension. The books are matched to the children’s secure phonic knowledge.

Throughout KS 1 and KS 2 we teach English through the use of high quality picture books, novels, poetry and non-fictions engaging pupils using a range of teaching approaches. A class book is shared, giving time for deeper discussion of quality text.

Our pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure and to read widely through our reading scheme. Whole class guided reading sessions cover a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction books and help to advance the children’s comprehension skills.

We also provide enrichment opportunities, such as hosting author workshops, celebrating World Book Day, participating in Poetry Day and entering creative writing competitions. These additional experiences help us to enrich the curriculum even further and continue to deepen the children’s learning.



As we believe that reading is key to all learning, the impact of our reading curriculum goes beyond the results of statutory assessments. As the children develop their own interest in books, a deep love of literature across a range of genres cultures and styles is enhanced.

Through the teaching of systematic phonics and reading, our aim is for children to become fluent and confident readers who can apply their knowledge and experience to

a range of texts. The Salford reading tests and teaching assessments are carried out termly and show the continual progress of pupils.

Pupil voice is very important and helps the school to gauge the impact of our provision:

“I really like reading with the new picture books. I love the books about pets.” Reception child

“I can read chapter books now and love to read in my spare time.” Year 2 child

“I love sharing a book with my friends, we get lots of opportunities to share books.” Year 3 child

“I love reading, especially Harry Potter books (although I will read anything). I really enjoy going to the library and bookshop.” Year 5 child


Please click here to read our English policy.

Please click here to see our Knowledge and Skills in English document.

Please click here to see our Reading in year groups document

Please click here to see the updated Reading Stategy document